Baby girl’s room is almost complete except for the well anticipated name that we will be putting above her crib! I will have to take some pictures of her room and get those on here as well, I had SO much fun getting it ready! And I love looking through all of the absolutely adorable clothes in her closet! She will be one stylish girl :)
The weather the past few days here as been so gorgeous, in the 70’s! Perfect weather for “walking” myself into labor, unfortunately I got sick out of no where on Wed. with the flu and have spent the past few days laying around the house. I hate being couped up inside when it is so gorgeous outside, and usually stubborn me would probably get outside even though I am sick, but I have baby girl to think about now! So I will get out as soon as I feel up to it. Who knows if walking really does anything, but it can’t hurt anything to try right? We are just so excited to meet our little girl and know you guys are all anxious as well! We will do our best to get pictures put up as soon as we can after she arrives, i’m sure if we can’t get around to it grandma or grandpa will be glad to help out! :) I love you all and hope you are all doing well!