Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas fun

We had some friends over this weekend to decorate gingerbread houses. Their poor gingerbread house unfortunately collapsed before we could get a picture of it haha so they improvised with their leftovers and made a lovely christmas “scene” instead :) Ha

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Doctor visit

This is a profile picture of our sweet baby girl at 27 weeks and 6 days!! That is her little hand up by her mouth :) We had our last Doctor's appointment on Tuesday of last week. Everything checked out great except when the doctor measured my stomach. She said that the baby was measuring small. She said she measured small at our last appointment as well, so our Doctor wanted us to get an ultrasound just to make sure she was okay and growing how she should be. She said sometimes it may just be the position the baby is in or the way I am carrying her. Turns out she is great! They said she weighed 2 lbs and 4 oz and that all of her other measurements look great as well! She had her foot up by her head and she was playing with her toes!! It was SO fun to be able to see her again and we are so so grateful that she is doing just fine! We are biased of course, but she already looks perfect to us! :)

Monday, December 6, 2010


Okay, so I am clearly not very good at this whole blog thing. Come wednesday I will officially be in my third trimester already!! I can hardly believe it. This pregnancy has flown by. I am so so grateful I have just been able to enjoy this pregnancy. The second trimester for me was complication free and, aside from a growing belly and chocolate ice cream cravings, I really didn’t feel much different than I did before I got pregnant. I have been so blessed! Our baby girl is very active and I absolutely LOVE feeling her move! It is one of the most incredible feelings. She was having a party in my stomach the other night so Steven and I tried to capture it on the video camera. I’ll have to try and see if I can post that on here as well. Her uncle Matt will be proud to know that she seems to really like Jon Schmidt! I play it for her almost every night. :) I always thought I wanted a boy first, but I have to say, I am absolutely thrilled to be having a little girl. It just feels right. I know she is meant to be in our family. It is amazing to me how much love I feel for her already even though I haven’t even met her yet. All I have ever wanted to be is a mother and a wife and I feel so blessed that I will soon be both. We have lots of things to get done before her arrival, but I can’t wait until she is here! I am going to try in soak in every moment I can of being pregnant and try not to let myself get too stressed out. ( imagine me, stressed out!? ha)

Steven is coming to the end of his second semester of nursing school and is thrilled to be getting a few weeks off for Christmas!! He has been one busy guy. I say it all the time, but I have so much appreciation for how hard he is working! There was a day last week when I just woke up in a bad mood and it kind of carried throughout my day. It was a Thursday, which is one of Steven’s busiest days, so he goes to work from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and then has to do work for clinicals and usually doesn’t get home until around 9 or 10. Now, that is one loong day and if anyone had an excuse to be cranky, it was him. But when he came home I was greeted with a big smile and a kiss. It made me think twice to my bad attitude and reminded me of the many reasons why I love him so much!

Anyway, that is a quick little update on how things have been going. I will try my very hardest to update at least once more before our sweet little girl arrives!! This time of year really gets me thinking of how many things I have to be grateful for- and on the top of my list is my amazing family! I love you all and hope you have a wondeful Christmas! I wish we could all be together!