Okay, so I am clearly not very good at this whole blog thing. Come wednesday I will officially be in my third trimester already!! I can hardly believe it. This pregnancy has flown by. I am so so grateful I have just been able to enjoy this pregnancy. The second trimester for me was complication free and, aside from a growing belly and chocolate ice cream cravings, I really didn’t feel much different than I did before I got pregnant. I have been so blessed! Our baby girl is very active and I absolutely LOVE feeling her move! It is one of the most incredible feelings. She was having a party in my stomach the other night so Steven and I tried to capture it on the video camera. I’ll have to try and see if I can post that on here as well. Her uncle Matt will be proud to know that she seems to really like Jon Schmidt! I play it for her almost every night. :) I always thought I wanted a boy first, but I have to say, I am absolutely thrilled to be having a little girl. It just feels right. I know she is meant to be in our family. It is amazing to me how much love I feel for her already even though I haven’t even met her yet. All I have ever wanted to be is a mother and a wife and I feel so blessed that I will soon be both. We have lots of things to get done before her arrival, but I can’t wait until she is here! I am going to try in soak in every moment I can of being pregnant and try not to let myself get too stressed out. ( imagine me, stressed out!? ha)
Steven is coming to the end of his second semester of nursing school and is thrilled to be getting a few weeks off for Christmas!! He has been one busy guy. I say it all the time, but I have so much appreciation for how hard he is working! There was a day last week when I just woke up in a bad mood and it kind of carried throughout my day. It was a Thursday, which is one of Steven’s busiest days, so he goes to work from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and then has to do work for clinicals and usually doesn’t get home until around 9 or 10. Now, that is one loong day and if anyone had an excuse to be cranky, it was him. But when he came home I was greeted with a big smile and a kiss. It made me think twice to my bad attitude and reminded me of the many reasons why I love him so much!
Anyway, that is a quick little update on how things have been going. I will try my very hardest to update at least once more before our sweet little girl arrives!! This time of year really gets me thinking of how many things I have to be grateful for- and on the top of my list is my amazing family! I love you all and hope you have a wondeful Christmas! I wish we could all be together!
You are seriously adorable!! You look so, so cute!! Scooter is sitting here with me & he just said: "Is that Katie feeling her baby?!" You are such a sweetheart, and you're going to be a GREAT mommy! And Steven will be a great daddy too!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! :) We are really going to miss seeing you guys at Christmas... We love you! :)