Playing outside with nana and papa! Special time with Papa! Fun with daddy! This girl LOVES to be outside! I'm so glad!
A rock! (maybe she will be a rock collector like her mommy was! ha)
Squish the dandelion! ha Practicing for her role as big sister! :)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Our sweet little munchkin was sick all week last she is snuggling with daddy. We are very glad to have our sweet little girl back this week!
Lexi checking out daddy's wallet already! ...hey it's empty!? ha The weather here has been so awesome lately and we have been outside everyday, but since it is Missouri and it is still March, I don't trust it to stay. So instead of blowing up the kiddy pool I took out the 5 dollar walmart sled that we bought this winter and never used and filled it up instead! It did the trick! ha
Friday, March 2, 2012
Zebra! Look what I got mom! Oh how I love this little girl... people always comment on what a happy baby she is and they are right!! We are so lucky. I can't help but be happy when I have this cute little munchkin smiling and giggling at me all the time! I was telling Steven the other night I don't think there is 5 min. that go by where she doesn't make me laugh or smile about something! Even just watching her play makes me smile. I can see the wheels turning in her head and I love watching her imagination and innovation at work. Lexi decided to play peek-a-boo with her bib the other day at lunch time...she cracked herself up! And mom too :) Nana and Papa got Lexi a shopping cart for her first birthday! She is just a tiny bit short for it right now, but she is a persistent little thing and she finds ways to make it work! She loves to put things in an out of other things so the shopping cart idea was a great one for her! Rocking the shades! Her first Birthday celebration...we are doing the "real" thing on Sunday with family...can't wait to get some good cake pictures! haha I'm sure she will be very entertaining.