So this post is long overdue, I realized just the other day that I never put up any pictures of Lexi's first birthday! So here they are...better late than never! I can't believe our little munchkin is already one! What a wonderful first year it has been, she brings SO much joy into our lives and has really come into her own the past few months. She is running around, saying several words, babbling allll the time, throwing temper tantrums :(, signing very well (we have been teaching her baby sign language), sleeping through the night, getting more cuddly all the time, using her imagination when she plays with her toys, having fun adventures outdoors, and the list just goes on. She is such a happy little girl, she has her moments like any one year old does, but really overall she is a fantastic little girl. She is just so full of personality. We could not be any luckier to have her in our family!

I made Lexi's birthday sign because I couldn't find one in the stores that said happy first birthday AND that was in zebra! (heaven forbid it didn't go with the zebra theme right?) haha But of course about a week after her birthday I was at hobby lobby and found just that.. a pink and zebra happy first birthday sign! All well..saved some money!
This year I decided to make Lexi's birthday cake! Homemade fondant and was a long, somewhat stressful process, but I did have a lot of fun doing it!
Lexi's Birthday "cupcake" was really a whole wheat banana zucchini flaxseed did have real frosting on it! But I let her try one without the frosting the night before and she loved it that way too! That's my girl!
Believe it or not this picture was not posed...mommy just didn't make the string tight enough on her birthday hat so it kept falling in her face! haha

Auntie Alli blowing out Lexi's candle! hahaha She got scared when Lexi started to put her finger toward the flame so she blew it out! Ha!

I must confess, 90% of the frosting on her face was from mom! Haha She was being so dainty with it! She got more into it once I showed her how it was done :)

yes her tray is empty, but no she did not eat that gigantic cupcake! ha I took half of it away...the girl can eat so I'm sure she would have eaten it all, but she already had a full tummy so I opted to save the rest for later!

She wanted to sit in the stroller that came with her baby doll that Auntie Alli and Uncle James got her! Silly girl. After that big cupcake she doesn't really fit so well..ha!