Papa got home late one night for dinner and Lexi wanted to sit on his lap while he ate, so he pulled up a chair and she sat by him and looked at her book the whole time he ate dinner! She loves her papa!
Auntie Alli and I took Lexi to the country club pool a few weeks ago to have some fun in the water! She didn't like being in this little floating device for long, she not only wanted to get out of it, but she didn't want mom to hold her either! She was ready to go all by herself. Ha I will have to get her into swimming lessons when she gets just a little bit older!Ahh, this is the life.
Congratulations to Steven for graduating nursing school! There were days it seemed like the end wasn't in sight, but he did it and graduated with honors as well! I am SO proud of him and so grateful to have such a hard working, driven husband!
All of these pictures are Lexi laughing at daddy while he repeatedly jumped over the wall of bricks at nana and papa's house. She just thought it was hilarious!

She loves her stuffed animals!
The other day papa took Lexi out to run around outside and he came in and asked if it was bath night. I said yeah it is why? And he said because she keeps trying to run through the sprinklers! Haha So we decided to just let her go at it! She had a blast.
We were eating corn on the cob a while ago and Lexi kept asking for it, so I ended up just giving it to her after I had eaten off most of it and she had fun chomping away at it! And we had fun watching!
I saw this idea for mess free finger paint on a blog for kids and thought I'd try it out and see if Lexi would have fun with it! And although it looks like it was a hit in these pictures, she was only interested for about 2 minutes. Ha She is a hard one to keep entertained!
Is that a Katelynn face or what? Ha She didn't like nana trying to show her how to do it. "Really nana? I can do it by myself, thanks!" ha! Silly girl
Always up for listening to music with papa!
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