Sunday, September 2, 2012

So this week I decided to be brave and let Lexi finger paint! It was bath night anyway, so why not!? I stripped her down and prepared for the mess! Haha She wasn't so sure at first, but she figured it out pretty quickly!

 She was trying to give the paint to me...ha!


 Are you watching mom? 

 yay! haha 
 Let's try it again just to make sure I got enough on my forehead...
 silly girl!
Her beautiful artwork!
 Sisters! <3 p="p">

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love these pictures!! SO cute! I especially love the one where she is doing the sign for more & where she has her hands up in the air! :) And I love the ones of the both of them together! They are so sweet! ....Dude, we miss you guys!!
